
Poster: Charlie Email: Charlie
Subject: blast from the past
{{did any one else hear that good ol' KARK weather chick Parella Lewis may be blowin' back in to town?Hide all your women folk now. lol

may be this time they will let her do the weather and the sports. she had a voice as deep as a guy anyhow.


Poster: cliff Email: cliff
Subject: Re: blast from the past in response to blast from the past posted by Charlie
Date: 12/09/06 08:55:27am
{{Sounds like a post from a short, fat boy who was turned down once too many times, "charley."}}

Poster: Charlie Email: Charlie
Subject: Re: blast from the past in response to Re: blast from the past posted by cliff
{{the only chick I would get turned down from is a big ol' dyke like you are Parella I mean "Cliff". I am glad to see ya'll still read about us Hog Fans but dont you have something better to do at work then read about yourself?

Damn I hope I can get over to FL to see Wisconsin get there ass handed to them in Jan. Anyone else going to the Capitol one Bowl in Orlando?