
Current mood: pissed off

Tonight Parella Lewis (Fox news' newest face of weather) looks like she has been up all night doing lines off of some mulletheads Thunderbird. Remembered she has a job, wiped the coke off her face and put on one of Barbra Bush's best dress and pearl sets, so she could read the weather. Too bad no one ever taught her that you only pause when you see a comma, not when you have no idea what the next word is because the tech guy forgot to spell everything FO-NET-IK-LY on her cute little blue screen.
P.S. Parella,
When commenting on the new Beluga at Point Defiance NEVER pip up and say yeah "dolphins are so cute and smart" I suggest you figure out the difference between a whale and a dolphin before you open your retarded mouth, YOU STUPID FUCKING PLASTIC MORON....YOU ARE EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG WITH WOMEN TODAY. Thanks for inspiring little girls everywhere.}}

StIll sTuPid afTer all thEse yeArs.